19 Church Street, Newton, NJ 07860


Five Different Styles Of Walking For Health

The other day I got trapped into “click bait” (no pun intended) when my Apple feed had an article about fart walking?! I know… but it is a legitimate term, both NPR and Food Network recently posted about it. Essentially it is a short walk after a meal to help with digestion and relieve gas. That got me wondering about other forms of walking. I am a walker and most days when the weather cooperates, I use my lunch break to take a walk around our “work neighborhood”.

According to Aditva Birla Capital there are five essential styles of walking for improved health.

1. Chi – it a form of walking combined with meditation to help calm your mind
2. Brisk – is what it sounds like, it’s defined as 100 steps per minute
3. Stroll – is essentially what I do, for the most health benefits it’s recommended that you do an hour a day for at least five days out of the week. I would say do what you can, any is better than none. If you don’t move it you’re going to lose it!
4. Nordic- mimics the motion of cross country skiing and is a heavy cardio workout
5. Race – is a competitive form of walking. “The distinctive technique used in race walking involves a straight leg and a heel-to-toe motion. The hips sway from side to side, and the arms move in sync with the legs, creating a fluid motion.”

Whatever you call it just go out there and do it. Who knew there are so many physical and psychological benefits to walking?! Let us know, are you a walker? If so, what kind?

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Is Social Housing the Solution?

A former staff member sent me an article from The New York Times recently that talked about social housing being a possible solution to the lack of affordable housing in this country. It was an Op-Ed piece from two members of congress who want to introduce a bill called the Homes Act. Their point is, “instead of treating real estate as a commodity, we should build more affordable homes…these homes would be built to last by union workers and then turned over to entities that agree to manage them for permanent affordability,” like non-profits.

The NY Times article references Vienna (Austria) as a city who has made social housing work. In another article published earlier this year from PD&R Edge Home, “the effectiveness of the housing program has helped in making the city (Vienna) one of the most livable cities in the world, as judged by The Economist and Monocle in 2012, and as the city that offers the world’s highest quality of life, according to Mercer’s Quality of Living survey for the past four years.”

Here’s how Vienna’s social housing model works. The city purchases land zoned for residential use, they bid out to developers and then sell the land to the winning developer at an affordable price even offering low interest loans and other favorable terms if needed. In turn, the developer must rent out 50 percent of the units to lower-income residents with the remaining offered to moderate income individuals and families. These income requirements only apply when families and individuals move in so tenants can stay as long they want. In other words, there is no income cap where any future increased income would make them ineligible and have to find new housing. This allows for tenants from all socio-economic backgrounds to co-exist together in the same complex.

Can this work here in the United States or in our own “backyard” of Sussex County? Time will tell but it is definitely worth looking into different approaches to the affordable housing dilemma we face. In an article from the Housing Community Development Network of NJ, their president and chief executive officer stated, “Ensuring that all NJ residents can exercise their human right to housing requires bold investments and programmatic solutions to address our vast shortage of available and affordable homes.”

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Weather and New Jersey

I’m sure most of you have heard if you don’t like the weather in New Jersey just wait a few hours and it will change. I, like many, am weather obsessed…local weather (News 12 NJ), NY Metro weather (predominantly ABC but when it’s winter will also look at CBS, NBC, etc.) When Lonnie Quinn of CBS has his shirt sleeves rolled up you know it’s going to be a big one!

The funny thing is that meteorologists have the best job. They can be completely wrong and it’s OK…they just chalk it up to “mother nature”. Being weather obsessed I did a deep dive into MSN weather for this area and here are some interesting all-time stats.

• Hottest Month – July

• Coldest Month – January

• Wettest Month – September

• Windiest Month – March (ever heard of the Ides of March?)

Speaking of the weather, let’s not forget that the unsheltered are completely exposed to the harsh elements. As stated by the National Coalition for the Homeless, “With nowhere to stay except the streets, people experiencing homelessness have a much higher risk than the general population of developing exposure-related conditions such as hypothermia and frostbite. These conditions can be immediately life threatening and may also increase the risk of dying from unrelated conditions in the future. Increased homeless services, especially additional shelter availability, are necessary to accommodate the amplified need in the winter.”

With no emergency shelter in Sussex County, it is critically important to support agencies who provide homeless services. Please consider donating or volunteering your time, you can find more information and how to participate on our website.

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Five Wellness Days To Take Each Month

We live in very fast-paced, hectic times. Self -care has become such a “buzz word” in recent years, we all know we should focus on it but how do we actually incorporate it into our daily lives. Casey Tallent a psychologist at Pathlight Mood and Anxiety Center suggests that we add the following 5 wellness days to your calendar each month.

1. A Day To Connect: call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while. Make time to have coffee or a meal with someone special in your life or someone you would like to know better. Maintaining social interactions are proven to help you live longer.

2. A Day To Catch Up On Sleep: most of us don’t get the recommended seven or more hours of sleep. Have this day be all about helping you sleep. Buy new pillows, sheets or download one of the many free apps that focus on sleep with sounds, music or sleep stories.

3. A Day Devoted to Yourself: I would sometimes call these “mental health days”. Take the day off from work and do whatever you want, whatever gives you joy and happiness. No guilt.

4. A Day With Less Social Media: I would add a day with less news as well. Although I like to be informed, the news can be quite repetitive and depressing. See if you can go a day without looking at your phone.

5. A Day Without A Schedule: we all have commitments and responsibilities but it’s nice to take a breath, a break from the routine and have the day unfold organically. Bonus you’ll never be late and the time will always be right.

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Did You Know… Birth Month Bird

We’ve all heard about birth stones, even birth month flowers but did you know there are birth month birds? Below is a list of birth month birds with some distinguishing traits from Birds & Bloom. Take a look and see if your birth month bird coincides with some of your own characteristics.

· January: Owl – Wise and formidable. They’re commonly seen as a symbol of smarts.
· February: Parrot – Spunky, smart, colorful and filled to the brim with personality, parrots always inspire smiles.
· March: Robin – Curious, friendly.
· April: Canary – Warm, cheerful can easily entertain themselves.
· May: Nightingale – They’re elusive birds that keep to themselves.
· June: Dove – Patient, helpful.
· July: Eagle – Are regal birds, tenacious, strong.
· August: Kingfisher – Drawn to water.
· September: Hawk – Resourceful and powerful.
· October: Swan – Wisdom, grace in dealing with others.
· November: Rooster -Talkative, outspoken.
· December: Raven – Super friendly and smart.

If you’re curious my birth month bird is the Parrot. One of the greatest feelings is being able to make people laugh and I’ve always enjoyed whenever I came across a Parrot. Especially when they start mimicking you, then you start laughing and the Parrot mimics that too! Share your birth month bird, do you see similarities?

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Warming Centers for Code Blue

January and February tend to have some of the most bitterly cold days of the season. According to the Newton Office of Emergency Management,

“Warming Centers are activated when a “Code Blue Alert” is issued by Sussex County Emergency Management. An alert will be issued when:

· Temperatures will reach 25 degrees Fahrenheit or lower without precipitation or 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower with precipitation; or
· The National Weather Service windchill temperature will be zero degrees Fahrenheit or less for a period of two hours or more.
· Code Blue Alerts are declared 24-48 hours prior to onset of qualifying weather conditions whenever possible. Weather forecasts may change with little notice, in which case the alert will be issued as quickly as possible.”

Below is a list of Warming Centers for Sussex County. Residents can also call 211 after 4:30 for assistance. Let’s all do our part in helping our neighbors be comfortable and safe, especially in the colder months. We always welcome new coats, gloves/mittens, hats. You can drop them off at our office or order on-line with shipping to our location 19 Church St., Newton, NJ 07860. Thank you.

Website Graphics for Blog, Event Page (20)
Website Graphics for Blog, Event Page (19)
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Ten Questions for Self – Reflection

As previously stated, I do not believe in New Year’s Resolutions, in fact I recently heard that most resolutions are broken by January 19th. What I prefer is self- reflection. According to Calm self -reflection provides the following benefits:

· Helps gain perspective
· Increases self- awareness
· Helps you align with your core values
· Helps you respond to situations with more resilience and ease
· Promotes personal growth

So, as we reflect on 2024, here are Calm’s key questions to guide you through this exercise.

  1. What brought me the most joy this year?
  2. What were my proudest moments this year, and why?
  3. Which experiences challenged me, and what did I learn from them?
  4. Were there situations I wish I had handled differently? Why, and what could I learn from them?
  5. Have I been true to my values and beliefs?
  6. Did I step out of my comfort zone? If so, what did I discover about myself in the process?
  7. Which personal qualities did I utilize most this year, and in what scenarios?
  8. Were there goals I set but still need to achieve? What were the reasons, and how can I adjust my approach?
  9. What am I grateful for?
  10. How have I grown as a person?

Which do you prefer – New Year’s Resolutions or Self-Reflection. Wishing everyone a healthy and productive 2025!

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New Year…New Reasons to Celebrate

Well, 2025 is here. Don’t know what happened to 2024 but the older you get the faster times goes by. Have you noticed that every day of the year seems to be some kind of “holiday” or “event”, like National Cheeseburger Day, or Nacho Day. I decided to do some research about events held in January. What I learned is that there are many, several in fact on the same day! Case in point, January 1st isn’t just New Year’s Day it is also….

· Mexican Independence Day
· National Bloody Mary Day
· International Public Domain Day (whatever that means)
· National Hangover Day
· National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day

Who knew?! The following day January 2nd is National Buffet Day as well as World Introvert Day When I mentioned this to a colleague her comment was funny having National Buffet Day right when many have New Year’s Resolutions…to eat better, go on a diet, etc. I’m also guessing that the last place any introvert wants to be is at a buffet, where a bunch of oftentimes strangers are in close proximity, handling the same serving utensils?!

Perhaps this abundance of celebratory days is to remind us to celebrate everyday and not wait for big or special events to do something special or fun. Do you have a day that is special to you that you celebrate each year?

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Tips for Staying Warm When It’s Cold Outside

Baby it’s cold outside. Winter is upon us, days are short and it can get quite cold here in Northern New Jersey. Here are some tips on helping to get and keep warm this winter season.

· Layer up: wear lots of thin layers instead of one heavy piece. It helps trap your own body heat more effectively. Opt for moisture wicking fabrics like wool and fleece.
· Move around: get your blood circulation going it will help to keep your warm.
· Use a hot water bottle: an inexpensive way to bring in some heat and comfort.
· Eat more: yes, you heard me eat more. Not only eat more but eat more high fat foods like chocolate, nuts and cheese.
· Drink frequently: winter can be very drying so it is important to stay hydrated. Avoid alcohol and opt for warm hot drinks, soups.
· Do what your pets, animals do: look for a sunny spot and stop, bask in the sunlight. It will give you that warm feeling, boost your mood and provide you with necessary Vitamin D.

If you need help or are behind in paying for your heating bills whether it be oil, gas, electric, even wood please reach out to us at 973-579-1180. We have a dedicated team of professionals here to help.

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Holiday Season Is Here

We officially are in the midst of holiday season. It is important to remember that while you may be enjoying the holidays with all of its merriment, there are many people, neighbors, ones you see around town who feel especially lonely during this time.

Oftentimes, we reflect as a year comes to a close and a new year is on the horizon. Use this time to perhaps volunteer or donate to a non-profit organization. Since I have joined Family Promise of Sussex County I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with individuals from all kinds of backgrounds but all with the common goal of helping those less fortunate than ourselves. More than once I’ve answered the front door to our agency to meet a former client, who is now in a better position and wanted to donate non-perishable foods or a new toy. Pay it forward, the gesture does not need to be grand to be impactful.

So, while the year is coming to an end, I will not be talking about New Year’s Resolutions since most are broken before February. Mine too, are always the same, eat better, move more, you get the idea. Instead, I ask you to reflect and be grateful for the many blessings we all sometimes take for granted and to maybe in the New Year do something different, selfless in bettering someone else you might not even know. Wishing you a healthy and Happy New Year!

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