Last year in early March I was walking back to the office after lunch and saw a large bird flying pretty close in between our office and the Presbyterian Church of Newton. When I looked up, I saw the bird was building a nest way up high on a ledge right under the roofline. It ended up being a raven and we all watched in amazement as the pair nurtured the eggs until early May when four chicks hatched. The nest was quite crowded as the chicks got larger and eventually all flew the coop i.e. nest!
Well, the ravens are back (they are known to reuse their nests) and seem to be resting comfortably on the re-enforced nest. The side walls are definitely higher than last year. While we unfortunately cannot do a live web-cam, there is an organization in New Jersey that does! Conserve Wildlife of New Jersey runs three live webcams where viewers can track falcon, eagle and osprey nests across the state! Don’t tell your boss I told you about this!
What birds’ nests do you see this time of year? Let us know in the comments section below and happy viewing!