19 Church Street, Newton, NJ 07860


Celebrating Family Promise

Every year the third week in October is set aside to celebrate the impact that Family Promise has made across the country. This year it will be from October 21st to October 25th. We at Family Promise of Sussex County are part of a national group of affiliates under the Family Promise name. There is even an affiliate in Hawaii! I like to describe it as, “We are like Burger King. Independently owned and operated.” Each affiliate office tailors the services they offer to what is most needed in their community. We focus a lot on diversion and prevention so that people can hopefully avoid becoming unsheltered but for those who do we offer rehousing services and support to help people transition back to stable housing.

It can be quite rewarding working for a non-profit which can be so integral and transformative in people’s lives. But let’s not forget to celebrate the “little positive impacts” we all do or at least could do every day. It can be as simple as smiling at a stranger you pass walking down the street, holding the door open for someone, genuinely asking someone how are they doing today. Remember the huge impact earlier this year that Elmo made by posting online “Elmo is just checking in! How is everybody doing?” and he’s not even a real person and talks in the third person!

So, while we will celebrate the impacts and accomplishments that we do as an agency and part of a national affiliate organization, let’s not forget to celebrate our own personal impacts we have on each other.


  1. REPLY
    John Marston says

    You are a beacon of light in dark times !

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