19 Church Street, Newton, NJ 07860

Solar Eclipse and Full Moon Phenomenon

Remember how on April 8th of this year, the whole country was united in witnessing the solar eclipse’s path across the country. Well, it’s happening again on October 2nd. For those lucky enough to be in Hawaii or South America, they will have an opportunity to see the annual solar eclipse named the “ring of fire” as it starts its journey in Hawaii and sets in South America namely Chile and Argentina.

According to Britannia, “Solar eclipses may be classified as either total, in which the Moon completely covers the Sun, or annular, in which the Moon obscures all but an outer ring of the Sun. Whether an eclipse is total or annular depends on the distance between these three objects”.

This got me thinking about what I call the Full Moon Phenomenon. You know when situations and people seem to be a little bit off. I bet if you take a look at the calendar when you notice things are “extra” it will be around the same time as the Full Moon!

The word lunatic is derived from the notion that changes in one’s mental state were related to lunar cycles. As far back as Ancient Rome and Greece there is a thought that one’s behavior could be traced to the Full Moon. However, according to, Healthline, “Scientists continue to study how the moon influences various physiological and psychological systems. For now, though, it appears the effect of this heavenly body on your body is less powerful than once believed.”

The next Full Moon will be on October 17th . It also will be the supermoon for 2024 which means it will be closest to earth than any other full moon this year! I don’t know about you, but I still feel there is a direct link to one’s behavior and the Moon. What do you think, have you observed the Full Moon Phenomenon?

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The Growing Popularity of Pickles

Yes, you heard me pickles were the hot food trend this Summer 2024! The rise in pickles’ popularity can be traced to the pandemic when people were looking for easy and shelf stable food. Fermentation of all kinds had a moment – remember all of the homemade bread baking and trouble finding flour and yeast in the supermarket.

But back to pickles. One study showed that 86% of Americans enjoy pickles with Baby Boomers having the highest percentage at 90%. I have to admit that I do not like the shelf stable pickles but must eat the ones in the refrigerator section. Baby dill pickles to be exact, you know the jar…cold with that crunch!

Pickles date back as early as 2030 BC in Mesopotamia. Even Cleopatra attributed some of her beauty to pickles. Don’t like cucumbers, me either but there’s something about that sour, salty, briny taste which pairs well with so many foods, or who are we kidding on its own right out of the jar.

You can now find pickle pizza, pickle beer, pickle potato chips just to name a few and the hot craze this summer the pickle sandwich! You substitute the bread for a giant pickle! Here’s a basic outline of the sandwich, make it your way and it’s low carb too! Slice the pickle in half and core out some of the inside to make room for the filling. Then you choose the ingredients for the inside it could be tuna, sliced turkey, ham, experts though recommend lettuce that is shredded, probably helps with the moisture. Hungry yet? Try the pickle sandwich and let us know what you think.

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Schools in Session

While technically we are still in Summer, Fall is in the air. I have already noticed some leaves changing color and falling from the trees and saw my first “Spirit Halloween” shop being advertised in a local strip mall. How do you and your family cope with the change in season and back to school? Below are some tips to help you and your kids transition from summer to fall and back to school.

· Establish a school sleep schedule. According to the Mayo Clinic, children aged 6 – 12 years old need 9 to 12 hours of sleep a night!
· To help give them and you a good night’s sleep it is important to turn off all electronic devices. It is recommended to do so at least an hour before bedtime.
· Engage your child in preparing for school. Involve them with shopping for school supplies and clothes, picking out a healthy lunch and after-school snacks. Children who are part of the process are more likely to try, wear, eat what they helped choose and or prepare.
· Take some time from schoolwork to do an activity that makes them happy like playing an instrument, doing some kind of craft, art project, or just going outside, run around and get some fresh air!

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Free Landlord / Tenant Law Workshops

With the help of a grant from the New Jersey State Bar Foundation, Family Promise of Sussex County is pleased to offer a ten-part workshop series to educate both landlords and tenants on their rights and responsibilities.  Topics will include housing discrimination, leases, rent increases, habitability, boarding houses and mobile homes and accessing local resources. 

The classes will be every Tuesday starting Tuesday, September 10th from 5:30-7:00pm running until September 22nd, with a break the week of Columbus Day.  There will also be a recurring eviction process video with an accompanying Q & A that has five individualized dates and times that interested attendees can enjoy.  Our very own Frank Zywicki, J.D. will be leading the workshops to be held at our offices located at 19 Church St., Newton.  I asked Frank the following questions.

What is the one consideration that both landlords and tenants should keep in mind before they enter a lease agreement?

Regarding your first question, one consideration that landlords and tenants should make when entering into a lease is that, when you sign that lease, you are entering into a binding legal agreement.  Not only do the terms need to be strictly adhered to as a contractual agreement, but because it is a legal agreement, that agreement comes with rights for both parties, and such rights need to be observed and honored.

What is the one thing that you would like workshop participants to take away from these classes?

Regarding your second question, I would like the seminar’s attendees to take away a greater understanding of the rights referenced in my answer to your first question.  As a continuing curriculum, we will be delving into those rights, so that Family Promise of Sussex County can help educate a community that facilitates better relationships among landlords and tenants.  The more you know, the less litigious any problems encountered along the way become, creating transactions that are civil and peaceable for all involved.

Interested?  Please contact us at 973-579-1180 for more information and to enroll.
You can register for classes online here:

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